Our Story
Built in Piazza Colonna in front of the Palazzo Chigi and the Column of Antonina, built in 183 AD, Palazzo Ferrajolisorge in the area where the houses were originally of Del Bufalo – Cancellieri, a family of ancient Roman nobility merged with the Cancellieri of Pistoia. Related to the most distinguished Roman families, the Del Bufalo held civil office in the Curia and in Campidoglio, giving the name to the square that in the 500s was called the Cancellieri. First rebuilt in 1561 by the architect Giacomo Della Porta, in 1602 the building was renovated by Francesco Paparelli taking on its current appearance. It was the home of other prelates, men of the arms of the ecards. In 1728 the building passed definitively to the NicarchiniMarchesi, following the marriage of one of Del Bufalo’s daughters. During the Napoleonic empire, Cardinal Giuseppe Fesch, uncle of Napoleon Bonaparte and ambassador of France to Rome, lived there. In 1850 it was bought by the Marquis Giuseppe Ferrajoli.
From the marvelous Collo coclide, which is seen raised in that square, it takes it, and the Rione the name.
This stupendous mass was erected by the Senate, and Roman People, and by the Emperor Marcus Aurelius dedicated to Antoninus Pius his father-in-law; and because this had not done anything noticeable in war, you had the deeds done by yourself done in the Marcomanna war, and in the top put the statue of that pious emperor.
This trophy of the Roman magnificence is tall, palms one hundred seventy-five and there are hollowed out 190. steps with 40. small windows, with which one goes comfortably to its summit surrounded by a railing, where the whole city is enjoyed.
Finding himself this for his very broken old age, Sixtus V. in the year 1589, restored it, and instead of the statue of that Emperor, he placed that of s. Paolo Apostolo made of gold metal palms high 19. Gregorio XIII. having adorned the square with the fountain of virgin water according to the design by Giacomo della Porta, the Pope Alexander VII. he reduced it to the present state. The Merchants, and Curiali, are the leaders in this, especially since they are the offices of the Notaries of the Reverend Apostolic Chamber, and the residence of the Vicegerent of Rome.